In this episode Chad Rhodes and Charlotte Elia take a look at the second section of the Nicene Creed and try to unpack the wealth of meaning there that can almost be obscured by our familiarity with the text.
Chad: The idea, at least according to the tradition, is that we’re created ex nihilo, out of nothing, and the principle they would use is, “Anything that’s created out of nothing, tends towards nothing.” And so how do we become, how do we get passed, as you were saying, our material, corruptible, physically corruptible nature and enter into some union with eternal spirit? Of course, that’s where the incarnation really does a lot of work, by the begotten taking on creature-hood and uniting those two in himself.
Charlotte: It’s almost too much to ponder, isn’t it?
Chad: It is, but it’s fantastic. And if it was easy to comprehend, it would surely not be true.